Friday, February 26, 2010

Movie review: The Time Taveler's Wife

Hey everyone,

Ok, so I finally got to see The Time Traveler’s Wife last night, but before I get into what I thought, let me give you some of my past with this particular story.

In 2007 I was deployed aboard the USS Bataan for the first six months of the year. Needless to say there’s not much you can do on ship other than work and gym and eat. Oh yes, there’s sleep too but that’s a given as long as there were not any operations to occur.

During my deployments as a Marine, I got a lot of reading done. I think during my first deployment in ’02, I read close to 32 books, all of novel length. My second I came close to matching that but I want to say I really only got to 20. It took me about one week to read The Time Traveler’s Wife and I absolutely loved every bit of it. It will pull your heart from your chest so be prepared for tears.

The movie, though still gave me that achy feeling, didn’t quite impress me as much. As with longer works turned into movies, there’s so much missing that the reader knows made the story grand. They hit all the major topics and scenes but in my mind a lot of the smaller aspects of the story is what made me hurt when I finished it. Not the bad hurt but the kind you get when you finish one of those great stories and know it has truly ended, leaving you feeling a little alone because those characters are gone from your life.

If you’ve seen the movie before the book, give yourself some time before reading so you won’t get lost in how it jumps the various scenes of the characters’ lives. If you read the book then prepare yourself for a movie that just doesn’t have the amount of time to get all of the book into it. I will not say don’t see the movie…I liked it, but I LOVED the book.

Take care and I’ll talk some more later!

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