Monday, April 23, 2012

In the Mood...

During the past couple of years, I've met many authors and made a lot more friends who all love to write. One of the most common things we share is each of us have a particular thing to help get us in the mood to write. Some listen to music while others prefer absolute quiet. Though I fall in the former category more than not, I still find myself at times bouncing to the world of quiet as well. 

Recently, I've found that television helps me to leave this reality for one of my own making. 

It does sound strange, I cannot argue with that, but, I've become fond of watching Lost while putting words on paper. During the past couple of weeks I've been watching episode after episode on one screen of my computer as I write on the other. I don't know exactly why it works that way for me at the time, but it does.

Maybe it's from being pulled into the world of the characters of the show that allows me to slip into my own world (or better yet into the alternate reality where my characters exist), or maybe it's nothing more than a simple distraction, but it's what is working for me so I don't really try questioning it anymore. 

It all boils down to one thing: I'm creating horror again and I won't complain about that.

So, friends, fans and family...what do you do to get you into the mood of your craft?

Saturday, April 14, 2012

It's Never Easy...

Here we are, yet again. Last night as I read more of Clive Barker's Abarat, Book Three, my muse came to me with another idea...but will she stay long enough to get at least one book done? I sure hope so.

It seems as of late, my muse loves the idea to make me think of codes...Ooo, Trent, if you do this, it would look awesome! And I go running off to make new and neat things for my day job.

But it's not what I originally dreamed of doing. True, I enjoy my day job and true we don't always do what we dreamed we would set out for, but I still wish to have a hardcover with my name on it. I'm plagued with so many ideas, interesting characters and of course plot twists, but lately I've had problems getting them down on paper in more than just a hundred words at a time.  It's all a state of mind, I know, but it doesn't change the fact that for some reason, writing hasn't been coming as easy as it used to.

I must overcome, I must be more! I will do more.

So on that note, I will depart early today and let the muse drag me through my weird imagination for whatever wild rides she chooses. Let's roll Muse!


Thursday, April 5, 2012

Organizing My Mind

The urge to write is returning! But, as usual, it seems to be accompanied by the need to get current tasks out of the way. And those current tasks take a level of imagination and time. Neither of which can be spared easily.

It’s never simple to organize time. Regardless of if you sit and take a break or you rush until you are completely burnt out, time steadily ticks. It seems that each day I end up being asked by my wife if I’m ready to watch the latest episode of whichever show we are currently watching (more on our list of favorite TV later) and I have to pause and reflect. Where did the day go! I know I spent some time being productive, especially working for the Marine Corps, but honestly…I feel I’m sitting at a raging river trying to hold on to a handful of the water. Just when I think I have a handle on it, time—just like water—slips through my fingers and is gone with the rapids. I then am left with the thought, why didn’t I write anything today? Why am I having troubles getting my mind to sweep out the dust and cobwebs and get things moving? Then I think of time I spent developing this script or creating that page because I could or wanted to try and make something work.

Time and imagination. I need to allot both equally across my tasks, because so far, I’ve focused on primarily web and not having any stories written is getting to be depressing. So I organize in an attempt to sway myself to actually write.

The term “herding cats” comes to mind each time I try to think of prioritizing my list of things to do. It seems just when I think I have an idea of how to put time to each, my brain goes haywire and starts thinking of other things that I can try too! “Oooo…try making a page that does this, because it’s so much easier to do!” And I grab hold of the hand of insanity for a wild ride. Because, hey, it is easier for me to create some strange piece of code that automates this or makes a banner do this or that on someone’s website.

In an attempt to counter this problem of mine, I’m now relying a little more on technology to kick myself in the ass constantly. I am using this program (remains nameless because I’m not endorsing it, just seeing if it helps) that will help me put all my happy little things to do in categories and folder and whatnot so I can open it and go “hmmm, I should try and do this next.” This happy little program will also follow me on my phone, which up until now has been used mainly to play Angry Birds Space, or 3D Bowling. Now if I get some crazed idea while I’m out smoking, I can open the program and type it into a note to remind myself to work on it later.

Here’s hoping it works, because a writer who isn’t writing…well it’s never happy. If I’m not sharing my insanity with you, my readers, then I’m the only one insane. And what kind of world would that be? No fun at all if you ask me.

Hoping you all have a great weekend,